Monday, August 23, 2010

Unit1 Overview

The first unit in Algebra I is all about numbers! Yes! Numbers! We take them for granted since we have started counting colored blocks in baby books. And we have been using them in all our math classes. Some find them fascinating and contain hidden stories. Some simply enjoy the sounds when pronouncing a certain number. Some, on the other hand, find them boring and even a bit scary. Whether they are our foes or friends, they really deserve some better understandings from us.

In this unit, we will review some of the skills you learned in previous math classes, and along the way, reinforce some concepts and skills that might be a little fuzzy for you. Meanwhile, we will also start looking into study habits that will bring more success in your life and smiles on your face! Whatever your math ability level, I guarantee that you will discover something new and fun in the next three weeks.

Algebra I Comes Alive to Blog!

Dear students,

Welcome to Marin Academy's Algebra I class blog. The intention of this blog is for it to be a central warehouse of resources for the Algebra I class. Here, you can find homework assignments, handouts for class, as well as posting questions for discussion. You can find syllabus for each unit in the Essential Documents column on the right hand side. Handouts and other materials will also be posted according to our class schedule.

I am still relatively new to blogging. So please bear with me if I am a little slow updating. It probably just means that I am still figuring out the kinks with how to use this blog.

By the way, the logo above is designed by a pre-calculus student last year using Mac Grapher and knowledge about trigonometric function graphs. I thought it was a nice reminder of the summer fun! Enjoy!